Meet the team


Karl Moore

As current chairman my aim is to carry on improving year on year through participation in club events like the XC league, Nationals, road relays and Park Run Grand Prix’s. Keep training sessions varied and inclusive to all fitness levels. Encourage social events away from running and hopefully get more people running.

Treasurer & Kit

David and Leah Kendall

David doesn’t just look after the accounts for us, he also, along with Leah organises the kit. so if you fancy yourself in maroon, there the ones to see! David Loves park runs and broke 80% age grading at Walsall Arboretum during our Park Run Grand Prix. Pictured Leah and David at the finish of the Birmingham Half Marathon.

Ladies’ Captain

Laura Davis

Laura started running with the aim of completing a 5K, this she did followed by 10K,10 Mile, Half Marathon and in 2020 the London Marathon! Along with being the ladies captain she is also a run leader and, on the way, to being our welfare officer.

Social Media

Tom Heyes

Tom is a talented singer performing at many events including our centenary presentation evening. He started a YouTube channel for the club and has been posting race videos as well as meet the member interviews. He’s known for his sprint finish and was voted members runner of the year 2023.

Social media

Oli Moore

Oli uploads to our social media platforms and is training to become a coach. 10K is his preferred distance but also enjoys representing the club in XC and Sutton relays.

Men’s Captain

Daniel Anderson

Daniel organises the men’s cross country and relay teams, writing race reports, sorting car share and running order. Dan is good over most distances but excels at the XC races always in the first six finishers for the club.


Chris Davis

Chris is probably one of the first members you will meet making you feel welcome at the club. He makes sure everyone stays together during training and volunteers for marshalling duties at XC races

Social events

Greg Anderson

Greg organises the quiz night and other social events for the club. A competitive runner and key member of the Sutton park Sunday morning run group. Greg’s a Birmingham City season ticket holder

Events organisers

Pete and Elaine Donnelly

Pete and Elaine joined in 2015 Elaine to get fit, and Pete to improve his fitness for football, (he’s also a keen Villa fan). Both active members on club nights but really enjoy the Sunday slow runs through the Valley. They did a fantastic job of organising our centenary presentation evening and are here pictured with the mayor of Sandwell.

Run Leader

Robert Mann

Rob started running to get fit after recovering from a boken ankle in 2016 and hasn’t been able to stop since! He prefers long distance running but that hasn’t stopped him competing in the XC and relay races for the club

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